Friday, April 6, 2007

Tubes In, Ear Infections OUT!

So Miles got the tubes in today, and he did fantastic! We were there bright and early at 6:15. Miles was good until we were in the room for 25 minutes and he couldn't run around. We deceived him a bit (we're such bad parents) when it was time to go in we told him he was going for a walk with Daddy. He was going for a walk, just not the kind he likes, hopefully we have not scarred him. Phil was in there until he fell asleep, and then we waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes. The Doc came out gave us the ok, and we went to see our screaming, waking baby. He calmed down after about 10 minutes of the most intense screaming and thrashing I have ever seen from him, but as soon as the nurses brought him a boob tube he calmed down to the soothing blips on the screen. He was good to go about half hour after, and we are now home, and he is his same-old crazy self. He and Phil are wrestling right now, and he seems to be having no problems. So that's the scoop, thanks for all the well wishes and hopefully this is the end of ear infections in the house!

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