Thursday, May 31, 2007

First Real Ice Cream Cone

So on the way home from school today, Miles and Mommy stopped by to see the cow at Stew Leonard's (if you have never been to Stew Leonard's you must come visit and we will take you). We got Miles his first real ice cream cone. He has had ice cream in the past of course, however, never a cone and never his own. He was so excited and even shared some with Mommy! He's so sweet!


Miles really likes Mommy's stylin' sunglasses!

Monday, May 28, 2007

It's Been A While

So it has been a while since we blogged. Things have been pretty crazy around here. Dena started her new job at AFSCME Council 4 and has been working in the "big people" world again for two weeks now. She is enjoying talking to adults again, and the job is treating her very well. She has no expectations or predictions- it's like saying you never get sick, you always get sick the next day- so she will only say that up to this minute things are going really well.

Miles' first week in school was a bit hairy, but expected. Phil really had the hardest job for the last two weeks, taking a screaming Miles to school, and then trying to leave him there. But he is a strong Daddy (though it broke his softy heart every time) and was able to figure a way to make drop-off more fun, racing to the door of the room. Miles' teachers did not sugar coat anything, and let us know that his first couple days were rough, but he slowly got into it, and now talks about school with some excitement, especially when you ask him about this new friends.

Some pics we have taken in the last couple weeks:

So things have been going well, and with some of the extra money coming in we have been able to do some more landscaping, finishing the beds in front. Pictures to come soon.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

To all the women everywhere who have loved a child, Happy Mother's Day. May it be as precious as mine was!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Daddy for Council!!!!

From Miles:
Daddy and I went out to get the paper this morning and guess who was in it?
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He's running for the New Britain City Council. There was a picture and everything! Mommy and I are so proud of him! Go Daddy!!!!

New Britain Herald article
Hartford Courant article

Monday, May 7, 2007

A year ago...

Going through some old pictures and realizing just how big our baby has gotten...

Where did the time go?

Weekend Fun!

So this past Saturday Dena's parents came down to visit. We went to the Universal Health care Rally Saturday afternoon and had a great time. There were THOUSANDS of people there calling for Universal Health Care NOW!!! It was a beautiful day...

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There is a carousel in Bushnell Park where the rally was, so we took Miles for a ride

And what weekend visit would it be without a little home improvement project. Phil and Dena's dad took on the front landscaping beds, adding a stone wall and digging a new walkway. It looks fantastic, even though it is not 100% done (still need to put rocks on the walkway and fill in one side with dirt) but it is on its way!!!
UPDATE: The walkway is complete with rocks!!!

Here are the before and after pics...