Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Newington Day!

Dena, Miles and Dena's mom (Nanna) went to the Newington, CT fair while Phil, Dena's Dad (PaPa) and Mark went to the Yankees game (yes, much to Phil's displeasure, and to rub salt in a wound, the Yankees won). Miles had some sort of stomach bug and a fever, but we needed to get out of the house, and he was in a good mood. There were lots of rides and blow up bouncy type things for kids. Miles, of course wanted to go on the horse and see the animals. He also went in this balloon house. It was a bit scary, but as long as he knew Mommy was just outside (since I couldn't go in with him) he did ok.

He also got to be a firefighter and ride on the truck. He got a special firefighter hat and it is all he talks about now!

Monday, July 23, 2007


Here's a cute video...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cows and Horses!

Animals every where! Took Miles again to Stew Leonard's last week, and WOW THE COW was there again walking around. This time however, Miles gave him a hug and a kiss as can be seen in the pictures!

Next stop: Mickey Mouse!

Also, this past weekend, we asked Auntie Kiera and Casey to babysit while we were at a wedding, and seeing as we have not been overnight without Miles since he has been born, and the wedding was quite a drive away, we decided it was perfect to stay over at a hotel. Even though Miles had been sick, he did pretty well, with no Mommy and Daddy, (though a very tired Auntie and Casey left quickly the next morning when we got back!). Due to the rain on Wed, the fireworks and festivities at the park got postponed till Saturday, and Miles got to go with Auntie and Casey. There was a pony ride and ICE CREAM to be had!

Miles now wants a pony, so, Auntie you can get it for him for his birthday! Thanks again guys, our night away was very much needed and appreciated!

(PS. He does have a fat lip in the pony pictures- he had a tantrum and threw himself on the floor- yeah for the 2's!!!)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

New Pictures

Sorry we haven't posted in a while. Things are going by quickly here, and weeks just fly by. Dena is still enjoying her job, taking things day by day. Miles switched schools, because the first one was a bit of a drive. About 20 minutes one way, and since Dena spends most of her work days in New Britain, it made little sense to drive all that distance. He started this past Monday at the Discovery Center, and has really taken well to it. He seems very happy, and talks about "SCHOOL!" all the time. Phil had his first fundraiser, and we were very pleased with the turnout and the support from our friends, family, and community members. Thanks yous are in the mail, but we'll say THANK YOU here too! It's a long way to November, and this is a great start!

We also, somewhat finished the kitchen update. We put in a new counter and a backsplash on the wall. The pictures do not do it justice, and it looks fantastic. Dena was getting tired of not having a place to cook (especially 8lbs of pasta, and 8 lbs of chicken cutlets for a fundraiser- thanks for letting us use your kitchen Trueworthy's!), but it was well worth it. Next is to paint the kitchen, and the bedrooms. It really never ends!

So, enjoy these pictures from the last week or so.