Tuesday, April 17, 2007


So Miles is such a chatter box and he is really starting to put words and phrases together, some of the things he says are so cute and funny. Here's a sampling:

* 'S Good?!? (It's Good?!?)- Miles says this when he is eating. Every mouthful he looks at you and asks if it 's good. If you ask him back he just responds, "uh huh!"

* "No?...ok..."- Miles has started role playing, and he will ask a doll or an animal if they want something, and then says the above as the response. FOr whatever reason the dolls never want what he offers!

* "CAT!!!...*kiss, kiss*- This is how Miles calls the cat, or any cat for that matter. It's pretty cute.

* "Ah foun it! (I found it!)"- If he is looking for anything, he exclaims this when he has of course found it.

* "Paper!"- Miles and Daddy go out to get the paper every morning. Miles gets so excited and literally jumps to the door!

* "Ah gat you Mah-y!" (I got you Mommy!)- He just started saying this yesterday. Mommy was on the floor and Miles came running over and jumped on her saying this. So cute.

* "Beshu" (Bless you)- Our ever polite little boy says Bless you whenever anyone sneezes... or coughs... or clears their throat... or makes any noise from the throat. Well, it's a start!

* "A poop?!?"- When Daddy passed gas the other night, Miles looked up and said, "a poop?!" Can't hide it anymore... Miles is onto you! That'll teach Daddy!

* "Aw.. shweet" (Aw...sweet- So when Miles gives kisses or hugs, Mommy always encourages with "Aw, Miles, that's so sweet!" So now he is saying it too.

* "You ok?" - So Mommy tripped UP the stairs this afternoon on the way to naptime, and sweet Miles asked if she was ok.

* "...teen...teen...TWENTY!"- So Miles can count to 13 by himself, and up to twenty with someone's help. When he tries to do it all by himself he gets to thirteen and then repeats "teen" a couple of times before the build up and then an enthusiastic "TWENTY!"

And the favorite of all time...

* "Yah you!" (Love you!)- Just melts your heart! Just ask Nanna!

1 comment:

NANNA said...

EVERYTHING he does melts Nanna's heart. Yah you, Miles