Friday, April 27, 2007
Job- from Dena
So I've been offered a job! As of Monday May 14th I'll be calling AFSCME work. Though I did not get the Health Care position I interviewed for, they called today to offer me an internal/external organizing position . Not sure what the campaign is yet, but for now it is only 6 months, then hopefully they will be able to offer me something more permanent. I'm excited! It's a great job, great pay and close to home. It's pretty flexible to me being a mom, too which will ease a bit of the guilt I have in sending Miles to day care school (which is what I call it now to also ease my guilt). Thanks for all the well wishes, karma, prayers, and Novenas that were spread. I'll keep you posted!!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
This is a cute video of Miles eating. The beginning is a bit drawn out, but it gets more interesting near the end.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
So Miles is such a chatter box and he is really starting to put words and phrases together, some of the things he says are so cute and funny. Here's a sampling:
* 'S Good?!? (It's Good?!?)- Miles says this when he is eating. Every mouthful he looks at you and asks if it 's good. If you ask him back he just responds, "uh huh!"
* "No?...ok..."- Miles has started role playing, and he will ask a doll or an animal if they want something, and then says the above as the response. FOr whatever reason the dolls never want what he offers!
* "CAT!!!...*kiss, kiss*- This is how Miles calls the cat, or any cat for that matter. It's pretty cute.
* "Ah foun it! (I found it!)"- If he is looking for anything, he exclaims this when he has of course found it.
* "Paper!"- Miles and Daddy go out to get the paper every morning. Miles gets so excited and literally jumps to the door!
* "Ah gat you Mah-y!" (I got you Mommy!)- He just started saying this yesterday. Mommy was on the floor and Miles came running over and jumped on her saying this. So cute.
* "Beshu" (Bless you)- Our ever polite little boy says Bless you whenever anyone sneezes... or coughs... or clears their throat... or makes any noise from the throat. Well, it's a start!
* "A poop?!?"- When Daddy passed gas the other night, Miles looked up and said, "a poop?!" Can't hide it anymore... Miles is onto you! That'll teach Daddy!
* "Aw.. shweet" (Aw...sweet- So when Miles gives kisses or hugs, Mommy always encourages with "Aw, Miles, that's so sweet!" So now he is saying it too.
* "You ok?" - So Mommy tripped UP the stairs this afternoon on the way to naptime, and sweet Miles asked if she was ok.
* "...teen...teen...TWENTY!"- So Miles can count to 13 by himself, and up to twenty with someone's help. When he tries to do it all by himself he gets to thirteen and then repeats "teen" a couple of times before the build up and then an enthusiastic "TWENTY!"
And the favorite of all time...
* "Yah you!" (Love you!)- Just melts your heart! Just ask Nanna!
* 'S Good?!? (It's Good?!?)- Miles says this when he is eating. Every mouthful he looks at you and asks if it 's good. If you ask him back he just responds, "uh huh!"
* "No?...ok..."- Miles has started role playing, and he will ask a doll or an animal if they want something, and then says the above as the response. FOr whatever reason the dolls never want what he offers!
* "CAT!!!...*kiss, kiss*- This is how Miles calls the cat, or any cat for that matter. It's pretty cute.
* "Ah foun it! (I found it!)"- If he is looking for anything, he exclaims this when he has of course found it.
* "Paper!"- Miles and Daddy go out to get the paper every morning. Miles gets so excited and literally jumps to the door!
* "Ah gat you Mah-y!" (I got you Mommy!)- He just started saying this yesterday. Mommy was on the floor and Miles came running over and jumped on her saying this. So cute.
* "Beshu" (Bless you)- Our ever polite little boy says Bless you whenever anyone sneezes... or coughs... or clears their throat... or makes any noise from the throat. Well, it's a start!
* "A poop?!?"- When Daddy passed gas the other night, Miles looked up and said, "a poop?!" Can't hide it anymore... Miles is onto you! That'll teach Daddy!
* "Aw.. shweet" (Aw...sweet- So when Miles gives kisses or hugs, Mommy always encourages with "Aw, Miles, that's so sweet!" So now he is saying it too.
* "You ok?" - So Mommy tripped UP the stairs this afternoon on the way to naptime, and sweet Miles asked if she was ok.
* "...teen...teen...TWENTY!"- So Miles can count to 13 by himself, and up to twenty with someone's help. When he tries to do it all by himself he gets to thirteen and then repeats "teen" a couple of times before the build up and then an enthusiastic "TWENTY!"
And the favorite of all time...
* "Yah you!" (Love you!)- Just melts your heart! Just ask Nanna!
New Videos
This video is kind of long ( and a bit dark)and the middle is a little uninteresting, but watch till the end. A variety of songs, counting and general rambling! (sorry the audio and video are a bit out of sync)
He starts with "La Lechuza" a Spanish lullaby we sing (to the melody of Frere Jacques):
La lechuza, La Lechuza
Hace, Shhh
Hace, Shhh
Hagamos silencio
Como la lechuza
Por Favor, Por favor
Also a special encore!
He starts with "La Lechuza" a Spanish lullaby we sing (to the melody of Frere Jacques):
La lechuza, La Lechuza
Hace, Shhh
Hace, Shhh
Hagamos silencio
Como la lechuza
Por Favor, Por favor
Also a special encore!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Two Interviews
So, Dena got a call today that she is one of three candidates for the AFSCME job and has a second interview tomorrow. Keep those fingers crossed!
CCAG held a press conference yesterday about the soaring energy bills and how the companies are making increased profits, while consumers are getting bombarded with higher electric bills every month. See the video below of Phil on Fox. By the way, thanks you for the shout out!
All is well with Miles and the ears, though we think all the stuff that was in there has been draining out of his nose since he has been very runny and coughing. But no fever, and he is sleeping well, so we're not too worried.
CCAG held a press conference yesterday about the soaring energy bills and how the companies are making increased profits, while consumers are getting bombarded with higher electric bills every month. See the video below of Phil on Fox. By the way, thanks you for the shout out!
All is well with Miles and the ears, though we think all the stuff that was in there has been draining out of his nose since he has been very runny and coughing. But no fever, and he is sleeping well, so we're not too worried.
Monday, April 9, 2007
NH, Easter, and Jobs
(Dena forgot the camera at home so the pics are all from Pa Pa- we need to get the pics from Grumpa from Sunday)
So we went up to NH this weekend for Easter. We actually ended up leaving Friday around Miles' nap, since he was doing so well. He slept the whole way, and woke up refreshed and ready to go!

We stayed with Dena's folks, and had "Cowboy Steaks" from the butcher up the street. I can't believe how HUGE these things were! I think one could have easily fed three people. They were pretty yummy. We also dyed Easter eggs later on when Auntie Michelle, Meaghan, and Mark came over.

Miles wanted to join in with the eggs and got a little bit dyed himself.

By the way, it took until today for all of the dye to wear off (though he still has some drips on his belly).
Miles got up Saturday morning to do his workout on Nanna and Pa Pa's new gym equipment, and got quite the workout!

We did Easter with Dena's family Saturday night, since Auntie Kiera had to go back to school early on Sunday. Miles started the day in his Christmas (Mommy forgot it at home for Xmas) now Easter outfit. It was a bit small so we rolled up the sleeves for some pics.

He's so damn cute!
He changed and opened his basket from Nanna and Pa Pa. He loves his umbrella and light thing.

The McComiskey's came over, as well as Kiera's friend Joe and Auntie Jo. Of course we ate and ate and ate (it wouldn't be a holiday without the food!). It was nice to be able to relax for a holiday and not have to run around crazy and eat two meals!
Miles and Mark had a great time wrestling

and head banging

Miles then had his Easter egg hunt.

He had a lot of fun, though he needed some help, or at least some prodding to move on to the next egg from Mommy and Nanna.
Easter morning Miles came downstairs to find the basket Sonny the Easter Bunny left for him.

He also left a half eaten carrot on the table! Messy bunny! The big hit was the flute!

Off to Phil's family! Miles fell asleep in the car, so we let him nap for a couple hours, and then headed over to Auntie Mimi's and Uncle Mark's for easter dinner. Miles had so much fun with his cousins Nicole and Grant and second cousins, Joshua and Julia. Miles and Uncle Mark were wrestling (maybe it's the name?) and Miles resorted to entertaining all with the face and some songs! We left around his bedtime and got home somewhat late.
I got a letter in the mail from PCSW that they went with someone else for the job and the cat apparently got locked in our room and left us some presents on the bed. So, it was a "crappy" end to a great weekend!
So we went up to NH this weekend for Easter. We actually ended up leaving Friday around Miles' nap, since he was doing so well. He slept the whole way, and woke up refreshed and ready to go!

We stayed with Dena's folks, and had "Cowboy Steaks" from the butcher up the street. I can't believe how HUGE these things were! I think one could have easily fed three people. They were pretty yummy. We also dyed Easter eggs later on when Auntie Michelle, Meaghan, and Mark came over.

Miles wanted to join in with the eggs and got a little bit dyed himself.

By the way, it took until today for all of the dye to wear off (though he still has some drips on his belly).
Miles got up Saturday morning to do his workout on Nanna and Pa Pa's new gym equipment, and got quite the workout!

We did Easter with Dena's family Saturday night, since Auntie Kiera had to go back to school early on Sunday. Miles started the day in his Christmas (Mommy forgot it at home for Xmas) now Easter outfit. It was a bit small so we rolled up the sleeves for some pics.

He's so damn cute!
He changed and opened his basket from Nanna and Pa Pa. He loves his umbrella and light thing.

The McComiskey's came over, as well as Kiera's friend Joe and Auntie Jo. Of course we ate and ate and ate (it wouldn't be a holiday without the food!). It was nice to be able to relax for a holiday and not have to run around crazy and eat two meals!
Miles and Mark had a great time wrestling

and head banging

Miles then had his Easter egg hunt.

He had a lot of fun, though he needed some help, or at least some prodding to move on to the next egg from Mommy and Nanna.
Easter morning Miles came downstairs to find the basket Sonny the Easter Bunny left for him.

He also left a half eaten carrot on the table! Messy bunny! The big hit was the flute!

Off to Phil's family! Miles fell asleep in the car, so we let him nap for a couple hours, and then headed over to Auntie Mimi's and Uncle Mark's for easter dinner. Miles had so much fun with his cousins Nicole and Grant and second cousins, Joshua and Julia. Miles and Uncle Mark were wrestling (maybe it's the name?) and Miles resorted to entertaining all with the face and some songs! We left around his bedtime and got home somewhat late.
I got a letter in the mail from PCSW that they went with someone else for the job and the cat apparently got locked in our room and left us some presents on the bed. So, it was a "crappy" end to a great weekend!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Tubes In, Ear Infections OUT!
So Miles got the tubes in today, and he did fantastic! We were there bright and early at 6:15. Miles was good until we were in the room for 25 minutes and he couldn't run around. We deceived him a bit (we're such bad parents) when it was time to go in we told him he was going for a walk with Daddy. He was going for a walk, just not the kind he likes, hopefully we have not scarred him. Phil was in there until he fell asleep, and then we waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes. The Doc came out gave us the ok, and we went to see our screaming, waking baby. He calmed down after about 10 minutes of the most intense screaming and thrashing I have ever seen from him, but as soon as the nurses brought him a boob tube he calmed down to the soothing blips on the screen. He was good to go about half hour after, and we are now home, and he is his same-old crazy self. He and Phil are wrestling right now, and he seems to be having no problems. So that's the scoop, thanks for all the well wishes and hopefully this is the end of ear infections in the house!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Miles' Ears

So we have to head in to New Britain General tomorrow morning at (gasp!) 6:15am to get Miles' tubes put in. It should be a quick procedure, and Phil will be in there the whole time. Hopefully he won't throw up afterwards, both Phil and Miles...

I'll let everyone know how tomorrow goes!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Older Videos
We're posting some older videos for your enjoyment!
This first one was taken in November some time. Miles liked spinning in the chair. He got a little disoriented...
He was fine.... one kiss and he was better.
This next one is of him kicking the ball around the house. I was trying to get him to count for the camera, but he obviously had other intentions. Which turned out to be much cuter than my original idea...
Hope you enjoyed them! More will come soon!
This first one was taken in November some time. Miles liked spinning in the chair. He got a little disoriented...
He was fine.... one kiss and he was better.
This next one is of him kicking the ball around the house. I was trying to get him to count for the camera, but he obviously had other intentions. Which turned out to be much cuter than my original idea...
Hope you enjoyed them! More will come soon!
Monday, April 2, 2007
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