Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Daffodil Festival

We went to the Meriden Daffodil Festival this past weekend (I know it took a while to post). We met our friends the Statchen's for some food, fun and rides. Enjoy the pics!

Miles really loved the rides, so we're hoping this is a good omen for when we go to DISNEY the end of May!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Miles and the Trumpet

So, we haven't posted in a while, but shortly before Easter we got Miles a cornet (think small trumpet) all of his own.

He loves it! He plays it all the time to music and sits in front of his TV show and plays the theme songs. He also plays notes to the dialogue of the show mimicking the inflections in the characters voices. He and Daddy also have mini "jam sessions." We haven't gotten a great video, but here is a taste (take note of how he holds the trumpet):

He's also quite an accomplished dancer:

Guess he got his talents from both Mommy and Daddy!