So, Miles seems to take after Daddy in the area of sleeping. If you have ever heard him during nap of nighttime, you know we hardly need a monitor to know if he is sleeping since he snores like a grown man! However, he also has been holding his breath a lot, just like Daddy and his sleep apnea. We spoke to our pediatrician, and he told us we should get it taken care of right away. The ENT that did Miles' tubes does not refer kids this young for sleep studies *choice word inserted*, so we had our ped refer us to the sleep lab at Yale. We went last night at around 7pm. Only one parent could stay overnight, so Mommy got the job. Miles was such a trooper. Everyone that came in the room fell in love with him, commenting on how polite he was, and how mild-mannered. He was so good when Mary put the "stickers" on him, he didn't move at all and did what she asked.

As you can see in the picture he had a lot on him; every one of those wires was connected to an electrode on his body, including 7 around his head held on with glue and some cement stuff.
The night was terrible to say the least, only because he had many "episodes." Mary actually came in to check on him about an hour into it, and said at that point he had been holding his breath a lot and would be surprised if they didn't refer him to an ENT.
We were woken up at 6am, and then the
real fun began... we had to take ALL of the stickers off! Well, Miles was not happy about this, having had a bad night of sleep and being woken up early. All said and done, Mary said he was the best kid she had seen of any age through the whole process. He got to pick a special toy from the magic toy closet and chose a Goofy.

We have to wait up to 3 weeks for a follow up and then they will let us know the course of action. Most likely he will have his tonsils and adenoids taken out and this will stop the apnea. We hope that this will lead to some better and more restful nights of sleep for our little guy!