Monday, December 8, 2008

Letter to Santa

We wanted to get the letter to the "Man in Red" out early so he would have plenty of time to make all the toys! Miles dictated (with some prodding from Mommy and Daddy) while Mommy wrote it down. It goes as follows:

Dear Santa:

My name is Miles and I am 3 years old. I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas I'd like to give you presents. Do you like Circle cookies? I love you, Santa. I would like a house with animals, a camera, and some books (especially Berenstain Bears books) for Christmas. I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and I like you a lot.


It was very cute that the only things we really had to suggest were what HE wanted for Xmas- he just wanted to give Santa presents and cookies, and carrots and nuts to Rudolph.

Santa- he really has been, and is, a good boy!

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